

近日,光银国际作为联席牵头经办人联席账簿管理人,成功助力新希望集团有限公司(“新希望”,简称 “公司”)定价9.76亿人民币3年期高级无抵押债券。此次债券创近三年实体企业点心债最低发行利率和近三年实体企业点心债累计发行最大发行规模。债券于香港交易所上市。



Recently, New Hope Group Co., Ltd. (the "Company"), successfully priced its CNY 3-Year senior fixed rate notes (the "Notes"). CEBI acted as Joint Lead Manager and Joint Bookrunner on this deal. This bond sets the record for the lowest issuance interest rate and the largest cumulative issuance scale of dim sum bonds for entity enterprises in the recently three years. The Notes will be listed on HKEX.

The company is a private enterprise group whose main business is modern agriculture, animal husbandry and food industry. It was founded in 1982. The Company has struggled with the tide of reform and now has the world's largest feed production capacity and China's largest poultry meat processing capacity, processing capacity. The Company is one of the largest comprehensive suppliers of meat, eggs and milk in China.

With the unreserved support of the China Everbright Bank Chengdu Branch ("CEB Chengdu Branch"), CEBI helped the company to price this deal successfully. This will strengthen the business partnership between CEB Chengdu Branch and CEBI and will enhance our future cooperation in fighting for various business expansions.
