




Recently, Guangzhou Industrial Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. (the "Company"), successfully priced its USD 2-Year senior fixed rate notes (the "Notes"). CEBI acted as Joint Lead Manager, and Joint Bookrunner on this deal. The Company is rated A- by Fitch with stable outlook. The Notes is rated A- by Fitch. The Notes will be listed on HKEX.

The Company was inaugurated on March 28, 2013 and officially opened in May 2013. It is an initiative of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government to promote industrial transformation and upgrading, amplify the guiding effect of financial funds, drive industrial investment. The Company is an financing platform established for social investment and strengthening the status of the regional financial center. In July 2018, the Company reorganized and merged with Guangzhou Urban Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd, became its subsidiary.

With the unreserved support of the China Everbright Bank Guangzhou Branch ("CEB Guangzhou Branch"), CEBI helped the company to price this deal successfully. This will strengthen the business partnership between CEB Guangzhou Branch and CEBI and will enhance our future cooperation in fighting for various business expansions.
