







As the Sole Sponsor, Joint Overall Coordinator, Joint Global Coordinator, Joint Bookrunner, Joint Lead Manager and Capital Market Intermediary, CEBI assisted Xi'an Kingfar Property Services Co., Ltd. (Stock Code: 1354.HK, “KINGFARPROPERTY”) to get listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong on 3rd July 2024.

KINGFARPROPERTY is a state-owned comprehensive city service and property management service provider in Shaanxi Province with presence in Northwest China. According to CIA, in terms of the GFA under management in Shaanxi Province as of December 31, 2023, the Company’s market share was approximately 1.8%, ranking third among the property management service providers operating in Shaanxi Province in 2023. Leveraging its market position in Shaanxi Province, the Company has also expanded its footprint to Northwest China. As of the Latest Practicable Date, its operations had covered Xi’an, Tongchuan, Hancheng and Shihezi. The Company operates 3 primary business lines, including City Services, Residential Property and Management Services, as well as Commercial Property Management Services. As of December 31, 2023, the Company was contracted to provide public property management services, basic residential property management services and basic commercial property management services to 149 projects in China, with a total contracted GFA of 15.0 million sq.m. and a total GFA under management of 14.6 million sq.m.

The net proceeds from the Global Offering will be used for selective acquisitions of other property management companies, purchasing of new energy vehicles, future development of smart property management systems, improving human resource management and working capital.

As a Sole Sponsor, Joint Overall Coordinator, Joint Global Coordinator, Joint Bookrunner, Joint Lead Manager and Capital Market Intermediary, CEBI has made crucial contributions to the successful listing of the Company. CEBI’s extensive experience in the Hong Kong equity market, especially in the field of sponsor execution, marketing and investor targeting, as well as communication with regulatory parties has played an important role through the entire IPO.

In terms of sponsor work, CEBI has taken lead to initiate various IPO tasks for the sake of satisfying the IPO requirements and effectively meet the IPO timetable, which are strong foundations for smooth approvals and successful issuance. These in turns demonstrate the flexible problem-solving skills. In terms of marketing activities, CEBI has fully utilize multiple platforms and channels available in order to achieve a comprehensive coverage of investors and sufficient investor education. These would help to promote the unique investment highlights of the Company, as well as its growth potentials, which is expected to eventually help identifying potential investors’ subscription intension, thus assist the Company to bring in high-quality Cornerstone Investors and push the IPO timetable forward together.

CEB Xi’an Branch identified the IPO financing needs of clients and referred the case to CEBI. The successful listing of KINGFARPROPERTY illustrated the collaboration between CEBI’s investment banking business and CEB Xi’an Branch’s commercial banking business. CEBI will enhance cooperation with other CEB branches in the future to further strengthen the collaboration and synergy between investment banking business and commercial banking business.
