




Recently, Wuxi Communications Industry Group Co., Ltd. (the "Company"), successfully priced its EUR 3-Year senior fixed rate notes (the "Notes"). CEBI acted as Joint Lead Manager and Joint Bookrunner on this deal. The Company is rated BBB+ by Fitch with stable outlook. The Notes will be listed on MOX.

The Company is a state-owned sole proprietorship limited liability company approved by the Wuxi Municipal People's Government. The State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the Wuxi Municipal People's Government performs the responsibilities of investors and implements state-owned asset authorization management for the Company. It is formerly known as Wuxi Transportation Asset Management Co., Ltd., which was established on December 7, 2001. The Company's main business covers four major sectors: transportation services (including long-distance transportation and urban public transportation), transportation engineering, sales, and other businesses.

With the unreserved support of the China Everbright Bank Wuxi Branch ("CEB Wuxi Branch"), CEBI helped the company to price this deal successfully. This will strengthen the business partnership between CEB Wuxi Branch and CEBI and will enhance our future cooperation in fighting for various business expansions.
